Current Activities

International exhibition: Empty.And the meantime in the red room

With Joop Stoop as a curator on Sunday the 20th of januari 2013 the opening will be held in gallery Wegert & Sadocco.

RC on the Road Tour exh.#1

From the invitation: Joop Stoop presents as a curator his first exhibition in the series RC on the Road Tour in Gallery Wegert & Sadocco. De title “Empty. And the meantime in the red room” suggests non duality between emptiness, presence and movement. Panta Rhei, “Everything changes and nothing remains still… and… you cannot step twice into the same stream”.

The members of the De RCTV Road are:
Jack Fitzgerald (GB)
Sinan Guven (TR)
Ask Holme (DK)
Mark Rupert (USA)
Francesca Buratelli (IT)
Sonja Doevendans (NL)

Beastie #1

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